Herniated Disc Treatment

Consult Dr. Michael Brass of Comprehensive Chiropractic Care if you’re seeking herniated disc treatment in East Meadow, NY.

What Are the Symptoms Caused by a Herniated Disc?

Back injuries are fairly common, and that ubiquity can breed complacency. Even if your back hurts from time to time, you may not think much of it. Instead of seeking back pain treatment, you may leave it alone and hope it gets better with time. Unfortunately, not all back injuries work that way.

Herniated discs are examples of injuries that require intervention to get better. They can result from excessive strain, significant physical trauma, and aging. Those factors can erode a spinal disc’s exterior. The nucleus of a spinal disc may push into or spill out of that weakness in the exterior and damage other components of the musculoskeletal system.

Not getting appropriate treatment for your herniated disc can lead to troubling symptoms.

Joint pain is one of the main symptoms caused by herniated discs. Early on, the pain may be isolated to your back or neck. The pain may travel to your arms and legs if swollen or displaced tissue compresses a nerve. The spread of that burning pain can be difficult for anyone to bear.

Numbness and muscle weakness are other symptoms commonly associated with herniated discs. The numbness can affect your back, neck, and extremities.

Experienced chiropractors can help you deal with those troublesome symptoms. Contact Dr. Brass of Comprehensive Chiropractic Care so you can receive appropriate treatment for your herniated disc in East Meadow, NY.

What Are the Available Treatment Options for Herniated Discs?

Chiropractors can use different techniques to treat herniated discs effectively.

For instance, your chiropractor may use chiropractic adjustments to address the issues caused by your herniated disc. The spinal adjustments deliver results by putting your vertebrae and discs back in their proper place, preventing nerves and muscles from getting pinched.

Your chiropractor can also use spinal decompression to treat your herniated disc. Spinal decompression addresses herniated discs by stretching the spine and creating negative pressure. The accumulation of negative pressure in your spine can send more nutrients to your herniated disc. All that pressure may also cause your herniated disc to retract.

Massage and ultrasound therapy can also be used for herniated disc treatment. Both options are especially useful for addressing the soft tissue damage caused by that injury.

Schedule your herniated disc treatment with Dr. Brass of Comprehensive Chiropractic Care in East Meadow, NY, by calling 516-459-5000.

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