Carpal Tunnel

If a Carpal Tunnel injury is impacting your life and ability to work, Dr. Michael Brass at Comprehensive Chiropractic Care in East Meadow, NY, can help you find relief and get back on track.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Chiropractic Care 

One very common type of work injury occurs in the wrist and is known as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. When this injury occurs, it can cause pain, weakness, tingling, and numbness – which can make even the most basic of tasks involving your hands nearly impossible to manage. Below, Dr. Brass and the team at Comprehensive Chiropractic Care in East Meadow, NY, share how this injury occurs and how chiropractic care can help.

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Inside your wrist is a hollow zone – called the Carpal Tunnel – that holds your median nerve, bones, and a ligament. This nerve is what helps your thumb and first three middle fingers function and feel things. Unfortunately, this nerve often becomes pinched, which impairs the feeling and abilities of the fingers.

Though there are many things that can lead to median nerve compression, including injuries, genetics, pregnancy, and diabetes, it most commonly becomes compressed due to daily activities. More specifically, repetitive motions, such as typing or grasping, can lead to compression. This type of injury is common among students and office workers, as well as athletes and construction workers.

How Can Chiropractic Care Help?

It’s a common thought that chiropractors only treat neck and back pain, but they actually treat anything involving the musculoskeletal system – including the wrist. And while it’s typically thought that this wrist injury requires surgery, chiropractic care is highly effective in treating it through natural methods. Some of these methods include the following:

  • Adjustments and manipulation to ensure proper alignment of the wrist and hand, relieve pressure on the nerve, and reduce swelling
  • Therapeutic exercises to help reduce pressure and restore function
  • Soft tissue techniques to further help reduce inflammation and swelling
  • Lifestyle adjustments to address poor habits that have contributed to your injury or adopt healthier work techniques

Our chiropractor will help determine the best combination of treatment methods according to your specific needs.

Find relief and healing from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with the help of Dr. Brass at Comprehensive Chiropractic Care in East Meadow, NY. Call (516) 489-2212 to schedule your appointment today.

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